Saturday, June 27, 2009
About 4 o'clock plus in the afternoon. Bell door rings. Damn! No one open it. Juz went 2 open it and saw 1 male 2 female standing out thre holding bible. Evangelize? Ya...They ask me so many ques. And first things is "Do u know the MOTHER OF GOD?" I'm shock. Although I'm a christian bt wat is mother of god???? 1st I though is Virgin Mary(圣母玛利亚). Bt I think not. So juz let him answer la... Then he say:" Open 2 创世纪 blablabal and blablabla..."(Sorry I forgot which part le..HEHe). Then he say tat 1st God create ppl with THIER own image. He then say do u know the "THIER" refer 2 wat, he say is God Himself and another is the mother!! Wat!!!! Wat theory oooooooOoO. Then ok lo... let him continue lo...he then say The Passover and blaablabla again. Finally he finish. They invited me 2 their church. Saw them 这么有心 and also I'm so boring then promise them lo~
Labels: Religion | 信仰
Youtube...Bubble Button! First, select elliptical marquee tool and make a nice circle in new layer with any colour(i use blue). Then duplicate the layer and transform it about 2/3 of the ori size(the smaller circle must at center). The select the smaller circle with magic ward or somethings else colour it with lighter colour than before. Go 2 filter>blur>gaussian blur. Set it about 31. Create a new layer and use the elliptical marquee tool again and make it about 2/3 size of the big circle. Select gradient tools and change it 2 white colour. The white colour must be the main colour. When select gradient tools go 2 the upper left corner, select the gradient editor. Select thesecond box that is white colour and transperant. Gradient it and it will look like the above pic. Then select the big circle with magic wand. Pull the gradient tools from down 2 up(Juz a little bit). Then deselect the circle and select the layer if the big circle. Select effect(fx) and outer grow. Choose ur colour same as the circle. Change bend mode 2 normal. Size as u like(Bt juz a little), opacity change 2 50%. And its complete. It can be use as web design button...
Labels: Photoshop Cs3 | 图像设计, Wallpaper | 壁纸

Labels: Photoshop Cs3 | 图像设计, Wallpaper | 壁纸
Labels: Photoshop Cs3 | 图像设计, Wallpaper | 壁纸
Thursday, June 25, 2009
H1N1...!? Spread so fast. Juz now mom call me and say many blabla things. She also remind me about H1N1 juz spread 2 wangsa maju....then gt news from friend(terance), H1N1 juz infected 3 TarC's students from my course!! Oh no(真邪门)! And is comfirm infected... I got the news tat they infected at wangsa maju. Haiz... hpoe they will be fine la.. Muz take of urself and myself. Dont forget 2 take vit C everyday and always wash ur hands.Also wear mask for ur own health(although it lame for me bt cant like tis anymore)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Few days ago... some friend find me 2 help them design the DVD cover... Haiz... redesign the last time one .... they want 2 combine 2 of the movie they made. one is "转变(Life's Change)" '08 and another is "Are U Ready" '09..... redesign these u logo and the next step no idea... Haiz....
Hope tat God giv me idea 2 complete la....
Labels: Designer's Work | 设计师
4 Black Square....Assignment 1 for conceptual design. Hav 2 draw 144 different type of design using 4 black square! Alamak! Crazy le! Bt finally Complete and pass up today...
One nightmare gone another come!!! Assigment 2-Plane to Shape Transformation!! I tink assigment 2 will be easier. Juz convert from one object 2 another new object...! Gambateh~~
Labels: Assignment | 功课
Hmm...Came 2 Kl duno wat 2 do... Bt after meet the "music 2 u" decide 2 learn violin but keyboard, guitar and drum. why?? cause is "cheap" for the fee ma! onli RM40 per month!!
Wat am i jok 2 u!? No la is real de! Thre fee is 70% cheaper than the other!! For violin price is....Rm 350 and the other equiment like shoulder rest~40, tuner~50... Walao...! Spend almost 440!!! bankrap le.....
Since I had lern some basic of the music such as guitar and keyboard so i wont mong cha cha de!!! hmm... playing violin so much fun~
And also my friend at sibu~ must find me 2 perform o~~
Labels: Instrument | 乐器
First time came 2 tarc, so large!!! I'm also person tat easy 2 lost and it happen! After the orentation, went 2 DK D(senior bring us thre 2 hav a tour). After the tour I totally get lost! lol!! so lame... call my sister 2 get help and finally out of it!!
After 1 week later, get 2 know tis place well... will not lost again! haha!
Haiz... another problem... hav 2 speak english in the college... my language so weak!! cant speak well.... hav 2 listen more, speak more, write more and even tink in english....
Start 2 love tis place bt i little hate it because tooooooo many "mountain" always walk till very tired and sweating....~
Labels: KL | 吉隆坡, Life in College | 学院
Hai!! Everyone who are now looking at this~ First time blogging!!! Duno write wat...haha Anywhre juz visit my blog when u free...! I not well in introduct myself so i dont know i suddenly interted in blogging...??Juz gambateh la....
Labels: Others | 其他