Saturday, June 27, 2009

Youtube...Bubble Button! First, select elliptical marquee tool and make a nice circle in new layer with any colour(i use blue). Then duplicate the layer and transform it about 2/3 of the ori size(the smaller circle must at center). The select the smaller circle with magic ward or somethings else colour it with lighter colour than before. Go 2 filter>blur>gaussian blur. Set it about 31. Create a new layer and use the elliptical marquee tool again and make it about 2/3 size of the big circle. Select gradient tools and change it 2 white colour. The white colour must be the main colour. When select gradient tools go 2 the upper left corner, select the gradient editor. Select thesecond box that is white colour and transperant. Gradient it and it will look like the above pic. Then select the big circle with magic wand. Pull the gradient tools from down 2 up(Juz a little bit). Then deselect the circle and select the layer if the big circle. Select effect(fx) and outer grow. Choose ur colour same as the circle. Change bend mode 2 normal. Size as u like(Bt juz a little), opacity change 2 50%. And its complete. It can be use as web design button...


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