Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Now snatch a moment of leisure. Update some assignment. My Webpage assignment 2. Design a online shoes shop. My webpage still lots of function. Example mouse over the header, the title will shine; mouse over the bar, the tab will glow and mouse over the pictures, it will enlarge. And this is my second update for my assignment 2. The before one, I don't like it too much so decided to change the graphic! And also we also have to design our own shoes. I still don't get it, webpage design should focus on coding and its graphic, right? Why the lecturer or the college focus on the shoes we drawing?

PS: 昨天下午有种强烈的欲望,想冲回家,然后尽情的吃喝玩乐。可能是连读了五六天的Tamadun Islam & Asia,在昨天开始疯了。真搞不懂为什么学院要我们读这科......再忍忍吧!还有五天多......


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